Wednesday, 25 November 2009

Official Hayfield Junior Teamwear

Here are the official teamwear and merchandise for Hayfield Juniors. If you would like to order anything please print off our order form and return with a cheque made out to "Hayfield Junior FC" to any of our coaches.

Waterproof, reversible fleece jacket in black
Item Code: WFJ Price: £16.00
Hoodie sweatshirt in black
Item Code: HDS Price: £13.00
Hurricane raincoat/jacket in black
Item Code: HRJ Price: £21.00
Drill top jacket in black
Item Code: DTJ Price: £17.00
Sweatshirt in black
Item Code: SST Price: £10.00
T-shirt in black
Item Code: TST Price: £9.00
Item Code: BAG Price: £6.50
Beanie hat in black
Item Code: HAT Price: £8.00

Tuesday, 10 November 2009

A BIG Thank You

The Junior Football Club was this week presented with a cheque for £50 from The Royal Hotel and The Village Store. We'd like to thank Maureen and Dean for their continued support.

We'd also like to encourage all of our players to attend The Royal's Kids Chistmas Disco on Saturday 5th December. It sounds like it will be a great night.

Friday, 6 November 2009

U10 and U9 Home Matches Cancelled This Weekend

Unfortunately due to the horrible weather this week we've had to postpone both games this weekend. It was going to be the first weekend that both teams were at home but alas it wasn't to be.

Everybody enjoy their lie-ins tomorrow morning!

Note that Carl will still be getting up early as the mini-kids soccer school is not affected.