Wednesday, 26 May 2010

Notice of AGM 2010

To be held on Thursday 10th June 2010 at 7:30pm at Hayfield Cricket Club. All parents are welcome.


  1. Welcome & Apologies
  2. Minutes of Last AGM (download here)
  3. Report of Club’s Activities
    a) Soccer-school report
    b) U9’s report
    c) U10’s report
  4. Financial Report
  5. Election of Club Officers
  6. Special Resolutions
    a) Acceptance of club constitution
  7. Any Other Business

Tuesday, 4 May 2010

League Presentations

The league presentations will take place on Sunday 16th May at Stockport Plaza.

The Under 9's presentation takes place at 11:00am - doors open at 10:40am.

The Under 10's presentation takes place at 12:30pm - doors open at 12:15pm.

Some details from the league:

Parking is on street (very limited) or at the Multi-Story Car Park (entrance on Petersgate)

Because of the design of the theatre access and egress is through the same doors and in order to avoid chaos would you please wait in Mersey Square until the “door opening” time above.

Your cooperation in this is vital as we need to be able to clear the theatre between presentations.

Please ensure all parents are aware of this and we look forward to your assistance in ensuring an enjoyable and stress free presentation.