It's just dawned on us that the school year is coming to and end and you'll all be off on your holidays! We've decided to squeeze in an AGM and presentation evening before you all disappear. It will be at the Royal Hotel, Hayfield on the evening of Thursday 16th July at 7:30pm.
We can't stress enough how important it is that we get as many parents and children to attend as possible. The presentation evening is an important part of any football club and even though we haven't played in a league this season we do feel that everyone should be rewarded for their efforts.
We have FA Soccer Star Challenge certifcates for everyone who has completed that (there'll also be an opportunity again this weekend for those who missed out last week). We also have trophies for "Most Improved Player 2009", "Player's Player 2009" and the "Coaches Award for 2009".
If you can make it please let us know so that we can let the Royal know how many chairs to put out. Please also spread the word, if you can, to those parents who are yet to discover the "joy" of email or the internet.