Thursday, 4 June 2015

End of Season Shenanigans

THIS SUNDAY – FA Soccer Star Challenge at Bank Vale from 4:00pm

If your kids not done this before it’s a series of 6 footballing tests set out by the FA that are used to measure a number of skills and techniques. Certificates for all will be presented at our presentation afternoon.

We do the Soccer Star Challenge every year as it is a great way to measure the development of the children. Most start out with one or two stars after their first attempt. A lot of players have achieved the 5 star rating but only two in the six years we’ve done it have got the top rating of six stars!

PRESENTATION – SATURDAY 13th, Hayfield Conservative Club

Our end of season bash will take place again at the Con Club. Soccer Star Challenge certificates for everyone who does that together with medals for all players and trophies for the special few!


  • 2:00pm – mini-kids, U8, U9, U10 and U11
  • 4:00pm – U12 girls, U12 boys, U14, U15 girls and U15 boys

NEXT PCA (Parents/Coaches Association) MEETING – NEXT TUESDAY 9th June – Pack Horse

There will be a PCA meeting at the Pack from 7:15 next Tuesday to discuss a curry & quiz night that we’re organising for July and some other stuff we hope to get organised before the end of the year.

The PCA has only been formed for a couple of months and already they have raised over £600 for the club with a bag pack at Tesco’s and a cinema night in New Mills. We’re forming a great group of volunteers here and the more we get the easier it is for everyone. Even if you don’t have a lot of time to spare to help out, at least come along and have a glass of vino with us and tell us your ideas.

Please note that the Tough Mudder event we were hoping to organise is now off. There wasn’t enough interest this time round but it’s an idea we’re definitely going to try and pull off in the future.

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